
Ce are Sharon Osbourne (care, in parenteza fie spus, are de spus ceva despre orice) de spus despre ultima isprava a Madonnei, who recently adopted:

Please give me a break, it is like getting a Louis Vuitton handbag.

It is a crock of s**t. If she wants to help the kid she should have got the father a little trade going, a fruit stand or something like that and built him a mud hut.

If the kid is sick then get him a doctor, what was the father supposed to do, he can’t read or write.

She should have left him in his own culture, that is what I say.

Madonna should have given the money to an orphanage, got them a 24-hour paramedic.

She bought a baby for God’s sake.

Adevarul e ca putea sa ajute o tara intreaga cu milioanele donate centrelor Kabbalah dar na, spiritual enlightment comes first, boys and girls.

De aici.

4 comentarii:

RudeGirl spunea...

o-ho-ho-ho-ho!! sharon ownz la faza asta! pe bune...

utopic spunea...

da, numai faza cu mud hut mi se pare un picut rest, chiar n-a deschis gura degeaba.

am incercat azi sa las un comentariu de n plus unu ori la post-ul cu erasmus party dar cred ca s-au aliniat planetele or smth

RudeGirl spunea...

mdea, mud hut da.
nope, not to worry, a mers, numai ca nu apare imediat ca sunt moderate comentariile. si template-ul e suficient de retard incat sa nu ti se spuna : )

aquashark spunea...

is you maddona?