Ma fascineaza Paris Hilton. Nu are pic de talent si e platita for doing practically nothing. Circula doua teorii. Cum ca domnita chiar e monumental de limitata sau..cum ca de fapt it's all part of her masterplan that leads to world domination. O fi pe la mijloc adevarul adevarat(nimeni nu poate fi chiar atat de prost,nu?) insa tot un exemplu de asa-nu ramane.
Si acum, ultimele perle:
- Paris has been approached to star in a Marilyn Monroe biopic and in September will start filming The Hottie and the Nottie. When asked "who's the director?" she replies, "I don't know. All I know is I'm the star."
- While in the middle of the interview, Paris says, "I have to go to the restroom," then disappears. She returns 20 minutes later. "Sorry, my friend called. Her boyfriend dumped her. I told her she's hot and she should be single."
- "It's like so cool how you all smoke everywhere in the UK."
- On the challenge of friendship: "I meet so many people. I don't even know some of my friends' names."
- On travel: "I was in Europe for the whole summer, and all there is is, like, French - I didn't see anything because I wasn't in America."
- On the nature of e-mail: "Whatever I write in e-mail, it doesn't mean anything. I
t is just words I write."
- “Wal-mart... do they like make walls there?”
- “A true heiress is never mean to anyone - except a girl who steals your boyfriend”
- “I don't really think, I just walk.”
- “Who are you wearing?”
- “It will work. I am a marketing genius.”
- “When Paris has to pee, Paris has to pee!”
- “Some girls were just born with glitter in their veins.”
- “One of my heroes has always been Barbie. She may not do anything, but she alw
ays looks amazing doing it.”
- “People think I'm stupid. But I'm smarter than most people.”
Inchei cu deja clasicul “That's hot!”
Pic found here.
"My yesterday evening. Doi. Groapa." coming soon to a cinema near you so stay tuned!
16 comentarii:
Pana si astia de la Gameloft au scos un joc... Paris Hilton's Diamond Quest...
Draga de Paris!oricum cu peruca aia tot semeni cu sorasa.
gogule, se vede treaba ca te-ai documentat.
as for you, ioana, tot ce pot sa spun este: nuuuu
Gogu Kaizer lucreaza la Gameloft si a avut neplacerea de a juca timp de o luna, zi de zi, de enşpe mii de ori acel joc. Iti dai seama, deci, sentimentele lui Gogu Kaizer vis-a-vis de don'soara...
gogu kaizer vorbeste despre el la persoana la III-a.
Pentru ca exista o relatie complexa intre Gogu Kaizer si povestitor, care sunt persoane diferite. Sau, mai bine zis, cealalta eprsonalitate a povestitorului.
Pentru ca Gogu Kaizer cealalta personalitate a povestitorului. Sa spunem ca e o personalitate care exista in fiecare dintre noi.
Da, Gogu Kaizer a uitat ca ai activata treaba cu Moderate Comments... Jenant pentru el...
daca gogu kaizer imi spune cine e, le sterg. si, odata cu ele, rusinea.
Gogu Kaizer nu crede ca il cunosti chiar daca ti-ar spune. A dat peste blogul tau din greseala si i s-a parut demn de a fi cu oq pe el. Ramane, deci, la decizia ta daca preferi sa pastrezi comentariile (si o data cu ele, motivele de glumit, cu rautate sau nu, pe seama lui Gogu Kaizer).
hei, nu-ti fie teama de ridicol. just embrace it, like i have :)
Trecand peste transformarea locului de comentat intr-un chat, Gogu Kaizer doreste sa precizeze ca nu incearca sa fuga de ridicol. Intotdeauna e loc de glumit si despre persoana sa, iar daca situatia de fata l-a pus intr-o postura care inroseste obrazul, cu atat mai bine.
as baga un citat cu singurul animal care roseste. or needs to.
insa rareori imi iese rolul de pseudo-intelectuala.
Fiind de acord, Gogu Kaizer se va opri aici si promite ca nu se va mai baga sa comenteze pe blogul tau. :) Se va rezuma doar la lecturare.
yeah! what a bimbo!
cat timp am lucrat la Gameloft am avut de furca cu mizeria aia de joc Paris Hilton's Diamond Quest, un joc cu toate nuantele de roz posibile (christ!).
here's a sample of the abstract:
PS: ai o bila neagra! blogs are not hip anymore :P
atunci ai si tu o bila neagra pentru ca l-ai citit. stalker alert!
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